Friday, September 13, 2024
Steelhouse Omaha
1100 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska
6:00 PM Cocktails & Hors D’oeuvres
7:00 PM Dinner
8:15 PM Special Performances by Ali Stroker and Nebraska Theater Academy students
Post reception to follow
Honorary Chairs: Stephanie and Jack Koraleski
Event Chairs: Karen and Larry Nelsen
Event Committee: Presenters Circle Board
Broadway Ball is a biennial fundraising event to support O-pa's education and engagement programs. Join as we “heat things up” and celebrate Omaha Performing Arts’ 2024/2025 Broadway Season!
Individual reservations: $250 ($125 per ticket is tax-deductible)
For more information, contact Melissa Godoy at 402.661.8556 or
Julie and Lance Fritz
Todd and Susan Johnson
Jack and Stephanie Koraleski
Martha and David Slosburg
Cindy and Mogens Bay
Paula and James Blackledge
Nancy and Mike McCarthy
Bob and Christy Turner
John K. and Lynne D. Boyer Family Foundation
Jennifer and James Davenport
Dyer Family - Standard Nutrition Foundation
Kathy and Gary Gates
Dan Hamann and Joan Squires
Paul and Annette Smith
Beth and Tim Wilson
Mark and Mikal Eckstrom
Jennifer Hamann and Kippy King
Keystone Glass Company
McGrath North
Nebraska Methodist Health System
Karen and Larry Nelsen
Parker Family Foundation
Pinnacle Bank
Amy L. Scott Foundation
Sara and Asher Stoller
Security National Bank
Teresa and Keith Bradley
Brian and Carey Hamilton
Daniel and Amy Hennings
McCarthy Capital