Pictured: Disney Musical in Schools Student Share Celebration
Normally around this time, we’d have highlights and cool photos from our biennial Broadway Ball fundraiser, however, due to COVID-19 the event was canceled. That didn’t stop the community’s support of our arts education programs.
The Presenters Circle, our volunteer guild, hosted this year's fundraiser in support of our Education and Community Engagement programs. We’re pleased to announce that over $200,000 was raised to assist with the programming for the 2020/21 school year.
We are so thankful for our chairs Paula and James Blackledge, countless volunteers, corporate sponsors and others who made this possible. This significant funding will support O-pa’s education activities including two key programs:
Nebraska High School Theater Academy (NHSTA) - The NHSTA program celebrates high school musicals across Nebraska. It provides master classes, professional feedback on school performances and live Broadway theater experiences, reaching more than 8,000 students from 85 schools annually.
Disney Musicals in Schools - Provides musical theater programs in underserved elementary schools. Reaching more than 1,300 students in grades 3-6, teachers are able to bring students together to produce their very own school show.
That means more students will have the opportunity to experience Disney Musicals in Schools, the Nebraska Theater High School Academy and so much more. Artistic activities provide students much needed outlets for imagination and self-expression that build confidence, critical thinking and overall emotional wellness.
Watch this video highlighting our Disney Musicals in Schools program, which Broadway Ball funds will support.
You can still support Broadway Ball and our Education and Community Engagement programs here on our website.